Just because your brand has been around for a while doesn’t mean that it’s getting the attention it needs to keep growing and gaining new fans. Brand activations help to build this kind of additional support in a big way, and they can take an infinite number of shapes depending on the type of feeling you’re trying to generate within the campaign.

Brand activation can appear in the form of anything from cyclists with giraffe masks to virtual reality video games, as long as your campaign deals directly with the product and helps you to spread message of your brand in a unique way, the potential for growth is limitless.

Now whether you are introducing a new product or service with brand activations, its time to show your branding/rebranding, or simply gain more brand awareness. Unlike brand marketing which is a long-lasting strategy, brand activation takes place once, and we make it engaging and creative, be it interruption marketing, guerrilla marketing, or retailtainment.

Depending upon the product, budget, distribution channels, and point of sale, we can create brand activation that will amaze and entertain shoppers or potential customers. We are equally adept on physical and digital platforms.

Brand activation has 6 disciplines – Commerce marketing, Influencer marketing, Experiential marketing, Content marketing, Promotion marketing and Relationship marketing.

Our Brand activation solutions aim to attract more loyal customers and provide a lasting brand experience for the audience or participants.

If you look at the Customer Reward Barometer 2022 Survey findings, it puts greater emphasis on rewards and loyalty correlation.

  1. 59% of people buy from the relevant brand more often if they have a reward programmes
  2. 36% of people remain loyal to a brand because of its reward programmes
  3. 49% of people feel more strongly connected to a brand because of reward programmes
  4. 48% of people indicate that reward programmes encourage higher spending on a brand
  5. 49% of people find reward programmes enjoyable and fun to take part in
  6. 58% of people say that reward programmes help save money

We can help you navigate and execute through various opportunities in Brand activation:

  1. Using your brand activation to boost sales by linking the event directly to a new release or featured item
  2. Building long-term support for your brand through the activation by connecting with your customers on a deeper level than you would be able to in a traditional setting
  3. Invoking an emotional response with your campaign to ensure that people walk away having felt something
  4. Using data to get the most out of your campaign -- when paired with observational data gathered by your reps when they visit your stores during the activation, sales data can help you to see the direct impact your activation has on consumers’ purchasing habits
  5. Enacting your brand activation in a setting that makes sense for the product you’re trying to promote
  6. Shaking people from the monotonous nature of a working class lifestyle in an original way so that they form a lasting connection with your campaign and brand
  7. Using what you already have to your advantage -- if you already have a popular slogan, try twisting it into something new and experiential; if you have existing competitors, try using your rivalry to gain some positive coverage
  8. Thinking of an excuse your consumers might use to assure you they don’t need your product (and break it down)
  9. Leveraging different types of media to reach unique audiences and tell your story from 360o approach
  10. Bringing your brand up to speed by aligning your campaign with current consumer interests

No matter what your service or product is, it needs to multiply its sales, win loyalties or simply a new launch, needs to induce trials, talk to us, we’ll help you to get it right.